This lovely picture is our computer's desktop picture right now. To me, it is all Abundance. Smiles. Sunshine. Green grass. Friends. Family. And yes, Abel's hair is quite abundant. I believe we took this picture with the self-timer the afternoon of Zelie's farewell party in September. Goodbyes have a way of bringing out the cameras, right? Let's preserve this perfect moment forever. It does feel nice to gaze at it and it helps us to remember all the lovely, amazing people who we spent the 2011 growing season with.
This here is a small, earnest thank you to Willie and Zac who spent the greater part of 2011 at Village Farm and to Nate who joined the crew in the fall for a couple of months. Zelie joined the farm and family for 8 weeks in July, August and September and her presence was nothing but wonderful.
Would you send your youngest child off in this truck with these fellas? I would and did, many times. Abe loves all rides in the J20, as this old jaloppy (Prentice might object to that description) is called. Abe insists, actually.

We could not do this art/science/life experiment that is Village Farm without the help of farm workers. We have opted for the apprenticeship model as we both worked on many a farm as apprentices and we enjoy the community that creates itself when we work with people who live on the same piece of land with us. We could hire hourly or per diem farm workers, yes. That would be simpler in some ways but we would miss out on the after hours goat walks, card games, sunsets, porch tunes and meals that we end up sharing with the apprentices who choose to come here.
It is not always easy.
But from this point in the seasonal wheel, the glowing faces in that first picture feel like the loveliest and most rewarding of harvests.
We grow a lot of food here in Freedom Village. We are honored to do that buggy, sweaty, heavy, dirty, WONDERFUL work alongside some fine human beings.
We are indebted to this year's crew: Willie, Zac, Zelie and Nate,
all of their friends who pitched in many hours for good food and company,
the sporadic per diem workers (Shana! Dina! Teddy! Alicia! Others!),
the many college students from Unity and Colby and their instructors,
the high school students from Mount View and their instructors,
our parents, siblings and cousins who supported us in countless ways from childcare to deliveries to laundry to construction projects.
Thank you to the earth and sun, the rains, the moon, the creatures and plants that grace Village Farm with their gifts.
Thank you to the humans for their company and efforts as we all work with these gifts.
Best wishes for the year ahead,